Mapping the Past: A Database of Pollen Records for the Northern Plains

Conference Paper


One component of SCAPE highlights Holocene landscapes and vegetation from the northern plains. Pollen records yield information about past vegetation and, by inference, climate and resources. As of January 8 2001, 149 palaeoenvironmental records have been identified from the SCAPE study area. Of these records, 102 deal with pollen; others focus on diatoms, ostracodes, geochemistry, pigments, or plant macroremains. Comparison of the pollen records has to take into account species-dependent response to environmental changes, variable plant migration rates, and local factors (e.g., substrate type) affecting plant distributions. Variable chronologic control is also an important consideration in extracting time-stratified patterns from these data. However, this database will be useful for generating regional pictures of landscape change, and recontructing vegetation at the five Holocene time-slices that are the principal focus of SCAPE.