The 1988-1990 Stone Features Component of the Oldman River Dam Prehistoric Archaeology Mitigation Programme - A Review

Conference Paper


In the period from 1988 to 1990 a major study of stone features was undertaken in conjunction with the development of the Oldman River dam. Primary emphasis in the study was placed on ascertaining if this most common of all archaeological features on the northem Plains could add significant data to the understanding of Native utilization of the Oldman, Castle and Crowsnest River systems. During the course of the study information was recovered from 201 stone features and one buried camp in 19 sites. With the exception of one extremely significant winter camp (DjPm-115) all the examined sites appear to represent short term camps occupied briefly by Native groups in the period from late spring to early fall. Cultural diagnostics from the sites point towards occupation in the period from. the Late-Middle Prehistoric to Proto-Historic Period.